Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Not a Movie 8- NCIS: LA *Deeks and Kensi*

Okay. I can't find a good movie to watch. I tried to watch 3, count 'em, THREE movies today. All of them left me irritated after about 7 minutes. I'm tired of crude, inappropriate movies with no real story to tell. Bring back the classics.

As a result, I decided to take my learning curve in a different direction. I want to look at the relationship of LAPD Agent Marty Deeks and NCIS Agent Kensi Blye. Since it's a TV series, they haven't ended up together, but they definitely would if it was a movie. Deeks became Kensi's partner after her former partner disappeared. Deeks is a witty, sarcastic, playful, surfer dude of a cop. On the other hand, Kensi is a strict, reserved, powerhouse woman. The two of them together is highly entertaining. However, since they are coworkers and partners, they're relationship is obviously forbidden.

What in the world? You can't learn anything from TV...

Kensi is the type of girl who has been injured too many times. She doesn't trust. She's slow to love. And Deek's playful and fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants attitude drives her crazy, yet that's what she loves. So what I want to learn is how far can you take an injured soul? Obviously Kensi has learned from her mistakes and doesn't want to let just anyone into her heart, however, is she overprotecting? I don't think so. Maybe I'm biased, but I think being slightly overprotected is good for Kensi. Why? Because it presents a challenge that will be achieved by someone who is deserving. A guy who's willing to pursue into Kensi's injured heart and win her over, is a guy who won't flake easily. And is that such a bad thing? But that's my biased thoughts about Kensi's life. I want to keep this idea in mind and find the right balance for me. When to be soft, and when to let people work for it.

Is Deeks the right guy to enter Kensi's heart? Yes. :) Everyone knows opposites attract. Kensi and Deeks are definitely opposites. His funny personality makes Kensi smile, which she needs. Plus, he has a naturally caring heart, hidden behind all his jokes. Deeks cares about Kensi and shows it often, though he also respects her need for space. There's a constant give-pull interaction with them and I think it's just such a great relationship, especially when there's injured hearts involved. I want to learn how to balance forcing something, and giving it space to breath. Give and take. Push and pull.

I guess it all has a balance.

Anyway. Sappy. I know. But that's what I thought.

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