Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Movie 11- The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

*WARNING!: Do not read if you actually like this movie!*

So. Yeah. This movie....well, I remember watching this and thinking, "eh, that wasn't so great" but that was awhile ago. So last night I decided to watch it again. Bad idea! I really dislike this movie. But no hard feelings if you like it. Four best friends (Lena, Bridget, Carmen, and Tibby) are splitting up for the summer and going their own ways. Bridget is going to soccer camp, Lena to Greece, Carmen to see her dad, and Tibby is staying home to make a "suck"umentary. Bridget sleeps with a coach. Carmen's dad gets remarried to family Carmen feels has replaced her. Tibby meets a 12-year-old who helps with the documentary and then dies of leukemia. And Lena falls in love with Kostas.

What did I learn? Let's take it by each girl.

Bridget. Well, she sleeps with her coach. (I think this is actually illegal, since she's 17 and he's in college.) She spends her entire time showing off and chasing this blond beach-bum around soccer camp until she ultimately wins out. She then realizes it isn't what she wanted. She gets sad and depressed and needs her friends' support. In the end, she and this coach decide to be "friends". I think it's obvious what I learned from her. Ummm. Just because you want it, doesn't mean it's going to be what you expect (this is more than know what.). 

Carmen. Okay. So she visits her dad, who introduces her to his new family (wife and two kids-all stereotypical blonds), wants her to be in the wedding, then she fights with the family, leaves them, and his mad at her dad for replacing her. That's one thing. I understand her being mad with her dad. But at the end of the movie, she shows up at her dad's wedding, and he tearfully asks her to be in the wedding because she's important. Carmen is moved to tears and very happy. Problem solved. But....WHY?? Carmen acts like her dad made a huge gesture by asking her to be in the wedding...but she was already in the wedding so why does the solve the problem? They don't talk. They don't work through their problems. They just cry (not that there's anything wrong with it but it's not the way to solve a problem). Thus, I have learned that feeling an emotional high does not mean solving a problem. Just because I think I'm feeling better, doesn't mean I actually am. So to a certain extent, look at problems objectionably, not emotionally.

Tibby. She wasn't so bad. Depressing, but that was her point. She was mean and cranky and a pain in the rear until she met the dying girl. Then Tibby became sweet, concerned, and fragile. I understand the change, but why? The girl clung to Tibby because of her personality, perhaps, but that changed right away. Anywho. I learned not to be depressing from her. I also think you should stick to your personality, but maybe that personality shouldn't be a pain in the butt.

Lena. She was probably my favorite. If she and Kostas had been the entire movie, I may have been happy. They were cute and didn't even let the hiccup of their families hating each other stop them from falling in love. Kostas was charming and Lena was hysterically conservative and sweet. I learned from them not to let the obstacles stop you. Hatred of families, difference of personalities, if love shows up, run for it, don't dodge it. :)

That's what I thought. I learned some stuff, but it was kind of painful. Oh well. Live and learn!

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