Friday, January 6, 2012

Movie 9- Monte Carlo

I have a thing for loving cheesy, sappy, teensie chick flicks. Starring Selena Gomez, whom I may not really be a fan of but I'm a fan of the types of movies she's in, as the tired-of-it-all high school graduate who goes on a trip to Paris. Her best friend, Emma, and new stepsister, Meg, go along with Grace. However, while in Paris, the group looses their tour and get lost. Then, Grace gets mistaken as a famous, British heiress. Tired, and soaked from the rain, the three travelers decide to impersonate The famous Cordelia. Along the way, two of the girls (Grace and Meg-who don't have boyfriends back home) find love among foreigners (An Australian and some other rich man). When it comes out that Grace isn't Cordelia, there's scandal, hatred, and confusion. However, Grace (Cordelia) really does love Theo. In the end, Meg becomes more carefree and runs of with the Australian and Grace reconnects with her Theo doing charity work in Romania.

What did I learn?

I learned that sometimes, I only like certain parts of movies. For example, I don't like Meg in this movie...but that's beside the point.

What I really learned was that deception can leave to love, though it's probably not advised. Grace just wanted to have fun and mostly got thrown into it. However, she totallyyy loves the Princey man. But what does he love? Though Grace was pretending to be Cordelia, she actually had the same personality. So I would assume that Theo actually likes Grace, because he doesn't love Cordelia's money. It's all a big mess. BUT, there is a lot to gain from this. True love will find you through all the mess. Even through mistaken identities, different continents, embarrassing moments, and different financial statuses, if someone really cares, it'll happen. But (there's a lot of 'but' s and 'however' s in this post), don't do it with no regard for the consequences. Theo and Grace ended up well in the end, however it would have gone a lot smoother if things would have been honest. Although.....they wouldn't have met either.

So. There. I guess I learned that love finds a way through a mess, but don't create it just for the heck of making a mess and thinking it will turn out just fine. Not everything ends in a neat little, bow-tied present. I want to make sure I do my best to make things work well and smoothly. But I want to not sweat the mistakes and know that life will find it's way through. And maybe even, love.

And by the way, a true gentleman carries a girl's saddle. For reals. THOSE THINGS ARE HEAVY! And usually I get all tangled up in the bridle I'm carrying as well and then I drop the cinch and it's a leathery mess. ;)