Monday, January 2, 2012

Movie 6- Ever After

Oh, there's hope for me yet! This movie makes me laugh because Danielle and Prince Henry get off to such a rough start. In this movie, Prince Henry wants to escape his responsibilities and Danielle just wants to live a life the way she likes. However, Danielle's luck isn't so great. After assaulting a Prince (unknowingly), her stepmother and stepsister make her life miserable. But, the good stepsister acts kindly and the prince falls in love under false pretenses. There's a lot of drama, but eventually the Prince accepts Danielle for the servant that she is and loves her anyways. All ends well that should end well, I suppose. :)

What did I learn?

I could totally see me having the same luck as Danielle, as far as throwing apples at a prince goes. Like Danielle, I am quick to fight (verbally, mostly). She's strong willed, stubborn, determined, and very opinionated. Now, Is ay those things and you think "Oh Andrea's going to learn that it's better to by mild mannered and kind than like Danielle." But is it? There's a quote, "Well behaved woman rarely make history."- Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. I think this is so true. I actually learned that a strong personality doesn't have to be a bad thing. Prince Henry wouldn't have ever noticed Danielle if she would have been kind and well behaved. Danielle stood firm in her beliefs, at all times. Though she may have bent the truth a bit regarding her status, her true personality never changed. That's what the Prince fell in love with. Thus, I have learned that I don't wish to change who I am. Perhaps I need to manage it better (I'm often mouthy in my thoughts...and out loud), but I don't want to change my determined, opinionated, and often witty tendencies. Like Danielle, I will (probably after drama) find a prince to like me for who I am.

And what about Prince Henry? Sometimes, I think that the men of these movies just need to fall in love, be insulted and angry, then forgive and realize their love for the heroine. But in this movie, Prince Henry actually grows up and changes. My favorite line in the whole movie is when he demonstrates his changed personality and his parents realize it.
Henry-"Mother, Father, I want to build a University, with the largest library on the continent, where anyone can study, no matter their station!" 
King Francis-"All right... Who are you... and what have you done with my son?"
Henry-"[laughs] Oh, and I want to invite the gypsies to the ball!"
In the beginning, Prince Henry is arrogant, conceited, oblivious, and self-centered. Had he not met Danielle and her incredible ability to call him out on his faults, he may have stayed that way. But she, like any good romantic woman, shows him his faults and he changed for the better! A successful end!

But...this is terribly confusing. On the one hand, I want to be like Danielle and never change who I am. But on the other hand, I want to be like Prince Henry and change and grow when needed. Where's the balance? Part of it, I think, is based on what other people tell me. My parent's opinions, my friend's judgements, and all that jazz. So I guess what it comes down to is being open to the changes of life, but still true to who I am. That's why life is so complicated!

Also, why do the men never listen when the woman tries to tell him the truth? He's all like, "I want to show you something." and she's like "Please stand still you goofball and listen!!"

"I will simply deny you the crown!"- King Francis

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