Monday, January 9, 2012

Movie 10- 27 Dresses

Sorry I haven't been blogging lately! I've been too busy reading, which I guess is a good thing. :) But I'm back, and I think this is such a wonderful movie to get back on track with. I love this movie so much. Jane has been in about 26 weddings (some happening on the same night). Needless to say, she's a wedding-nut. Loves the planning, decorating, every part of a wedding. On the other hand, Kevin is a marriage cynic. But he is cleverly disguised as romantic author who writes newspaper columns about weddings. Jane loves Kevin's work though she doesn't know it's him. Plus Jane is in love with her boss, George, who doesn't love her back and in fact, loves Jane's sister. Kevin accidentally uses Jane as a newspaper column which makes her look like a fool. Blahblahblah they fight blahblahblah they really love each other so it all works out.

Reasons I love this movie: Kevin. He's hysterically sarcastic; right up my alley!

I didn't learn anything...okay maybe I did. :)

Jane. Poor Jane. She's hopelessly in love with her boss. But George is in love with Jane's sister, Tess. What George doesn't know is that Tess has lied about who she is just so she could win George over. All the while, Jane has to watch the one person she loves fall in love with her sister. Yuck! Meanwhile, Kevin is trying to chase her down. So what does poor Jane teach me? That fantasies are not all that they're cracked up to be. Jane had this ideal fantasy of having a relationship with George, who she deemed to be the perfect man. Because of this idealistic fantasy, Jane is unable to see Kevin. Kevin is genuine, sweet, funny,and charming. But Jane can't see past that. In the end, Kevin won out, but it took way too long. I don't want to be like that. I don't want my idealistic views to get in the way of a great opportunity with someone realistic. And I think this applies to more than just relationships. Don't let idealism get in the way if realism.

Now for Kevin. Sometimes, sarcasm hides pain. In Kevin's case, this is definitely true. He got left at the alter and never like marriages or weddings since...until he met Jane. At first, I think it was just fun for him to watch Jane in action, but then it turned into something more. Kevin didn't care about Jane's feelings when he first started writing the column, but by the time it was published, he felt awful. It pissed Jane of obviously, and doesn't want to talk to him anymore. But Kevin persists, trying to win her over. In the end, his honesty and true love for her is what shown through. So what I got from Kevin is that it's the truest emotions that actually make a difference. No matter how much you try to hide your emotions, they'll come out eventually and that is what will make or break the relationship. I want to make sure whatever my truest emotions are, that I don't waste time trying to cover things up with lies or cynicism. Be true, people. Be true. :)

"I feel like I just found out my favorite love song was written about a sandwich."~Jane

"Love is patient, love is kind, love means slowly losing your mind!" ~Kevin

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