Thursday, December 29, 2011

Movie 4-Another Cinderella Story

I'm not being cynical, that's the name of the movie! It features an adaptation of Cinderella in modern times. But, really, what isn't Cinderella based any more? It's every girl's dream to go from rags to riches! Mary, the maid, is a singing, dancing, tomboy wonder (played by Selena Gomez). Her counterpart is Joey, the hot, famous, singer/songwriter/dancer. They fall in love at a masked school dance and Joey searches desperately for the mysterious girl after she runs off just before midnight. Once he realizes it was Mary, they fall in love (for realsies).  After a complication caused by the jealous ex-girlfriend and the evil stepsisters, Joey and Mary realize they were meant for each other, Mary gets into dance school, and they kiss happily ever after.

What did I learn?

Why is life so unpredictable? Think about it. How often is it that we make plans, and the plans actually work out. I, for one, feel that my plans never turn out as they were originally planned! When I was younger (okay, maybe not so young sometimes), I used to think that if I thought of the opposite of what I wanted, I would get what I really wanted. For example, let's say I wanted to buy a horse. I would think of all of the other options. I could borrow a horse. I could never get a horse. I could lease a horse. I could merely take riding lessons, etc. My theory was, that since I thought of everything else, I would surely get the one thing I didn't think of, or at least tried not to think of. In this case, I actually got a horse. ^_^ In the movie, Mary's life is very unpredictable. She had plans to do one thing, she didn't really get it. *However, since it is a movie, it all ended the way it should have*.

So how did Mary address unpredictability? She didn't. She actually whined. And complained. And gave up on her dreams. There was no persisting, no finding a new path. She moped. And Joey was in agony over what happened between them. Mary totally turned her back on him based on an event that she saw from afar and, obviously, didn't understand. In the end, it was her friends and a lot of Disney magic that gave her the happy ending she wanted.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love this movie. But if the other movies are telling me how I should react, this movie is describing what not to do. Mary almost lost her romance and there was very little effort on her part to regain it. She did drop her grudge, eventually, but it took her long enough! All the while, Joey, did his best to be the "down-to-earth" guy that he wanted to tell the media about. ;)

Thus, I want to not be like Mary in the sense of her...romance. I want to be like Joey. He didn't mope when things didn't go his way (though, he was a superstar so maybe things always went his way). Life is unpredictable and though I will still fall into my ridiculous habit of thinking of everything except the thing I want, I hope that I will be able to handle life's curve balls better than Mary. Maybe the next movie will teach me about the curve balls of life.... 

My favorite scene is the tango-esque one! :)

AND I wish I had animals to help me clean my room...

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