Monday, December 26, 2011

15 Chick Flicks in 21 days

I love movies. I always have and I probably always will. However, as I'm sure many girls know, watching movies (especially romantic ones), can really get a girl down in the dumps. I have a bad habit of watching chick flicks and wishing my life was like those in the movies. I wish, and dream, and think about how my life should be just like those perfect-ending movies. However, I have decided to take on a new approach. I have decided to watch a movie a day and instead of whining about how my life doesn't live up to that, blog about ways that my life does compare and ideas or values I take away from the movie. Like I said, I love movies so watching them won't be hard for me and I hope to keep my blog updated on my reviews.

That being said, since I do have a couple part-time jobs and am a full time student, I have decided to give myself a little extra rope. My plan (should I follow it), will be to at least blog about a movie I have seen previously if I am unable to watch a movie that day. I will also allow myself about 6 days in the next 3 weeks that I can go without a blog at all. I suppose this could be something of a new years resolution, but I want to learn something from these movies that I use to "just distract" me.

The interpretation of what a "chick flick" is will probably vary, depending on my mood. But since romance is so common in movies, I hope this will be entertaining for both me and any readers who venture along with me as I focus on the romantic aspects.

I love to discuss. So I ask for comments, questions, challenges, anything. If you have a particular chick flick that you love, let me know and I'll maybe put it on the list. This can be as interactive as my readers make it.

Now that you know, let's get started!

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