Monday, February 8, 2010

Totally Prepared to be Caught Completely Off-Guard

It's ironic how mixed emotions can be. I spend my time planning, arranging, organizing, only to find that I must drop it all and experience true and utter spur-of-the-moment feelings and adventures. What a difficult task for someone who so unwaveringly loves to be prepared. I've been told by two very wise people in my life to just 'let it happen.' But let what happen? Certainly I must be prepared to let it happen. To know exactly what's going to happen, before it happens, so that I may make the most of what happens. Isn't that correct? Of course not. It would be too simple that way. Experiences are about letting 'it' happen. Whatever 'it' may be. That way, when it does come along in our lives, we will find ourselves standing on the brink of a new life, new lessons, and new love. Let it happen. Learn to be you. No matter what stands in your way. Learn to experience things as they come, and don't plan them so strictly, because then you might miss out on everything!

Let it happen.


  1. This is a struggle for me too, for a person who goes to bed at night writing out a precise schedule of everything that needs to get done the next day. True, that does help me stay on track... but I also need to remember to LET IT HAPPEN. Good post, Andrea!

  2. What a fantastic message, one I try to implement in my life every day.

    Great post. :o) Have a wonderful day!

  3. mmm.... that is good! I really need to learn this lesson. Let it happen...

    What is 'it'? In my experience I have tried to allow myself extra time for emergencies, but what about those moments when we just need to sit quietly and absorb what we feel... those are more difficult to grasp.

    I'm so glad that there are other people who need to learn to be themselves as well.
