Monday, December 7, 2009

Admired Poet

Who writes like that, if not an author? Someone with business, I dare say not. Perhaps, on the rare occasion, someone with theories to be debated. But none, not one, has such fluid markings, such precious wording as an author has merely with pen and paper. Oh, the language of an author can be studied and repeated, but no imitation will ever forge the signature that is the writings of a true author. Obscure are the thoughts of the madman who deems himself able to copy the work of an author. Whether educated, or merely talented from birth, an author has certain qualities that influence all that he is. He could be kind and gentle, always a man of honor. Or perhaps crude, and harshly rational. Give him a pen and you've handed him the world. Oh, the author is one to be envied. Who else is able to not only imagine so lavishly but to capture such imaginations and place them on paper? It is by far something to be jealous of.


  1. I am jealous of your imagery! I love the author's pen that writes the world around it... the stolen glimpses we can glean are wondrous. This seems as if it is something that you are trying to capture, your own joy of writing. =] An interesting late night thought perhaps?

  2. Thank you very much! It was actually me utilizing my downtime in the library between classes. It was inspired by Jane Austin's way of writing and speaking, though it's probably not nearly as good. :-)That, combined with soft piano music, tends to make me very inspired.

  3. i love this! and i love what you have done with your blog - inspiring music and all :)

  4. Thanks Hillary! I really liked the music touch...because I'm a music addict. haha.
