Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's Been Forever

Gosh. It's been like a century and a half since I've blogged anything. It's pitiful, really. But here I am, ready to express all that I know.

Life is complicated.
This is something I've come to realize over, and over....and over again. I keep thinking that things will work themselves out, and I have complete confident that they will, but between now and the end, things are so complicated.
For instance, there are certain things you try not to get your hopes up over. You try not to look to the future too much, to guess what's going to happen, to assume happiness. This dilemma comes in all shapes and sizes. Guys, careers (ie books!), grades, religion, friends. It's all complicated and they all come with their own hopes and dreams. I love being in charge of my emotions. I like the idea that I know what's coming around the river bend. I love being able to plan my life (or so I say). So the idea that my hopes take me off to a place I know I should never be is completely frustrating to me. I suppose though, if I really had the choice to plan my whole life, I would opt out. I don't like predictability, which I know conflicts with my previous statements, but really, repetition is obnoxious. I dislike routines. So what do I want? Spontaneous planning. Is there even such a thing?

People are complicated.
I keep trying to figure people out. Perhaps that's why I'm a psychology major. But I've come to a conclusion, I cannot, have not, and never will be able to understand people. They pretend they hate you, just because they like you. They pretend to like you, just to use you. They pretend to hate you, and actually do, but you don't know it. They pretend to like you, genuinely, and yet you second guess it. Why are relationships so complex? It's because of distrust and fear of failure. But, again to contradict, no risk, no gain. But why so much heartache??

But it will really be just fine.
I truly believe that. I have this amazing theory-amazing because so far it's worked- that my life will always just work itself out. It might not go the way I thought, or as smoothly as I wished, or even to the right destination, but it always works itself out! That, I'm convinced, is due entirely to a stronger power who likes me, and I appreciate that. I have this really amazing friend and she tries to look on the bright side of things. She tries to be positive. She tries to focus on the good, instead of the bad. Now I must say, she's quite fantastic at it and I should take a lesson from her. What a happy life that would be. Now even she admits it's hard, and not always can anyone be successful in such a tough situation, but man. If everyone was positive, then what a wonderful world it would be. How cliche.

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