Friday, February 18, 2011

Sometimes You Have to Fail...

...Or at least that's what they say.

Life's rough sometimes, but it's during these rough times that we really learn to appreciate the better things in life. Like, getting above a D on an accounting test. Granted, I thought I had completely failed the exam, but still, I was .5 away from a C! No hard feelings, it was my fault. I take responsibility.

However, I really would like this whole "rough weather" thing to end already. I get it, I have a good life most of the time, now can we please get back to the sunny days?? Who knows when that will happen, but I hope I appreciate it more.

And what is with people? I don't know if it's just the rough time I'm going through, or if everyone (okay, not everyone) I come across is just an idiot! People have been irking me right and left and I just keep trying, and failing, to stay calm and not let them bug me, but seriously. Some people really know how to push my buttons!

So. This is more of a rant than a lesson and certainly less informative. However, I hope you learn something. Don't wait until you fail to appreciate your success. Deep, huh? Yeah. I know. It's like the whole don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Not sure how those relate, but enjoy them anyways.

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