Friday, February 18, 2011

Sometimes You Have to Fail...

...Or at least that's what they say.

Life's rough sometimes, but it's during these rough times that we really learn to appreciate the better things in life. Like, getting above a D on an accounting test. Granted, I thought I had completely failed the exam, but still, I was .5 away from a C! No hard feelings, it was my fault. I take responsibility.

However, I really would like this whole "rough weather" thing to end already. I get it, I have a good life most of the time, now can we please get back to the sunny days?? Who knows when that will happen, but I hope I appreciate it more.

And what is with people? I don't know if it's just the rough time I'm going through, or if everyone (okay, not everyone) I come across is just an idiot! People have been irking me right and left and I just keep trying, and failing, to stay calm and not let them bug me, but seriously. Some people really know how to push my buttons!

So. This is more of a rant than a lesson and certainly less informative. However, I hope you learn something. Don't wait until you fail to appreciate your success. Deep, huh? Yeah. I know. It's like the whole don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Not sure how those relate, but enjoy them anyways.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pleasantly Surprised

Lately, I've been a bit (okay, so quite a bit) gloomy. For various reasons, I've just been in the mood to curl up under my heated blanket, eat tubs of ice cream, and watch TV. I've recently lost hope in humanity because I keep running into the stupidest people who just seem to have no idea that there is a world around them and it doesn't revolve around them.

Tonight I was at King Soopers (I forgot to get band aides :/ ) , walking out to my car, carrying four bags of groceries and a box of soda-ish cans. I was walking behind these two guys who had red plastic cups (and we all know what that means!) and talked like they had never been to school.

"Yo. Yeah dude. Like totally awesome." Okay. That's not really what they said, but you get the picture.
They both had tight pants and funny, neon-colored hats with their skater sweat shirts. They were the classic long-boarders I see all over campus. Stupid. Obnoxious. And conceited.

Coincidentally, they had parked next to my car and since they were a bit ahead of me, I let them get in their car first, but as I was waiting for them to get in, my box of cans ripped and fell to the ground. I was embarrassed, but more than anything I was caught off guard. Then, to my utter surprise, one of the guys stood up (instead of getting in the car) and said...

"Do you need some help, ma'am?" And looked at me with earnest eyes, and even took a step towards me to help.

Caught off guard, I blurted out in response that I was fine and that I was waiting to get into the car next to him. He then instantly apologized for being in the way and taking so long. I said it was alright, and it really was. Where had this kind of kindness come from? Not only had he surprised me by offering his help, but he had also respectfully called me "ma'am" and apologized for being in the way! I was in shock. Complete shock. Now, he may not be the best of guys and I'm not saying he's my new hero, but if more people were like that part of him, then I would certainly not be despaired....

...but maybe there is hope for humanity.

Now, I've got some Ben and Jerry's and I'm going to go back to being hopelessly addicted to the show Primeval, which my friend Beth got me hooked on!