Thursday, January 20, 2011

Funny How That Happens...

I have had the funniest of things happen to me in the past few weeks. They've been small and rather insignificant, but they have certainly been amusing.

For starters, the other day when I got up early to go have breakfast with some friends before I left for CSU, I walked outside and realized that it was raining...but only in one spot! I was thoroughly confused for a few moments, trying to figure out what could possibly be making it rain in only one spot, but then when I looked up at the sky, I saw that there was a little cloud hanging over this spot, dropping raindrops. I was completely ecstatic about that little cloud, and I loved everything about it. How beautiful, how unique, how rare to have a little cloud looming over my head like my own personal display of my inner emotions!

Then, after I've now decided to go back to the Springs after this semester, I have had at least one person from my high school (people I swore I never wanted to see again) in all, except one, of my classes! One of the things I worried about going back to the Springs is that I'd run into people from high school, but I guess it goes to show that no matter where I go, they show up!

Then, I received a text message from a number I didn't recognize (But I later discovered who it was *coughangelacough*!) and it totally entertained me. It was a small thing, but I was completely excited about who it could be, why they thought to text me, and it put a smile on my face!

Then, there was this smelly, nerdy, awkward guy who sat next to me in my awkward Psych class and I was not looking forward to have to smell him for the next hour and a half, but then he *ahem* farted rather loudly, only a few minutes into the rather quiet lecture. At that point, he got embarrassed and packed his stuff up and left. I felt bad, but I can't lie, I was relieved that I didn't have to smell him anymore. As he left, a cute guy with a scarf and glasses that look like those that Josh Groban wears, took the awkward kid's seat next to me, and I was very happy. Though some people would be disappointed to learn that I did not say hi to him, but I was relieved none the less and thanked God for intervening in the matter!

Now, I am completely happy for the moment listening to the North and South soundtrack (which none of the songs are nearly long enough!), drinking tea, all with my beautifully lit candles making the room glow! There's really no point to this blog, except to say that things are funny. And when I find the resolve to, I find these things thoroughly amusing!


  1. hahaha. this made me giggle at life. thanks.
    <3 you and all the funny little things that have happened.

  2. I'm glad I could make you giggle. If that's all I can do, than I have achieved my goal ;)
