Sunday, November 14, 2010

What To Say...

I've always been a person of many words. I really like to talk, as anyone who has ever met me can attest, but sometimes...I just run out of things to say. It's rare, I'll admit to that. This blog is a perfect example of all the words I use to express exactly how I feel, but when those moments come that I have absolutely nothing to say, I am completely lost.

Now, those aren't the only times that I don't say anything. There are the times when I just CAN'T say anything. It's those moments when you're biting your tongue, clasping your hands tightly, and avoiding eye contact just to keep from exploding with the words no one should hear! I'm kind of in a situation like that right now. I feel like I'm being...well....watched, so I just can't say exactly what I want to say...otherwise...well, you'll make Ya. Sure...awkward.

Ha. I'm worried about being watched, yet I

But I still have a bad habit of talking WAY too much. I say things I shouldn't. I say things that aren't important. I say stupid things. I say things wrong. I say things out of context. I just say whatever pops into my head.

There's a joke in my house. Once, I said "I'm mouthy in my thoughts." Turns out, it's not so much in my thoughts as it is out loud! Everything I do is out loud! I guess I should be sorry for that. Some people really don't need to hear everything I have to say, but at the same time, that's who I am.

So. I talk a lot. I write a lot. My thoughts are definitely out in the world. I'm sorry for the people who have to suffer through it, but I actually enjoy it (mostly).

In fact, have you noticed, that this particular blog is just a bunch of words that I'm just writing, and aren't really making much of a point except that I use too many words? Ya. That's a coinkidink.

So. How 'bout them words?


  1. this reminds me of something my mom has told the kids since we were little: "Dont say everything you think. It's folly." haha i have to admit, that has popped into my mind more than i would probably like throughout my life... but in a good way! you are a wonderful girl Andrea... using words to express yourself (whether through speech or writing) is part of what makes you YOU! though there will always be moments for everybody where we dont say everything we think ;)

  2. Ha. Moms seem to have such wisdom. :) I know I find myself filtering as much as possible between my thoughts and words...sometimes failing miserably!
    Thank you, dear friend!! You are an incredible inspiration and friend! I appreciate you and all your kind words!
