Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rain Drops on my Skin

A single raindrop splashes on my skin. The sensation sends waves of emotions and feelings rushing through my body. I feel alive. Invigorated by this single drop of heavenly dew. I long for more. Waiting anxiously for another splash, a touch from above. With my arms open wide, I feel the relief and energy that spreads through me as the drops begin to fall. One after the other they land on my skin, sending shock waves through my nerves. Could there be anything stronger? As the downpour continues, I turn my eyes, filled with their own moisture, to the sky. Such a powerful feeling from such common little drops of water. But there is nothing common about the rain. No scientific research that can explain the healing that takes place in the rain. I am lucky to have felt such a powerful element in my ordinary life. Truly a miracle that saves my soul from being lost, merely washing my problems away.

If it is yet not plain the reading eye,

I love the rain.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I hate emergencies.

I hate emergencies.

The dread that fills your body.
The racing heart beat in your chest.
The staggered breathing in your lungs.
The racing, unorganized thoughts.
The sickness that makes you want to hurl.
The lightness in your head.
The questions left unanswered.
The future left untold.

I hate emergencies.

You are suddenly aware of your heavy breathing.
In and out through your nose.
Yet feeling no relief or comfort.
You concentrate on your breaths.
In. Out. In. Out.
Heavy, hard, wearing at your lungs.

I hate emergencies.

The heart rate that will not slow.
No matter where you look,
What you think,
Who you see,
The pounding, pounding, pounding continues.
It's an ever reminder of what you have,
That someone else may not.

I hate emergencies.

The quietness that fills all who witness.
The need to say something,
But not knowing what.
Searching for a way to comfort,
but knowing there is none.

I hate emergencies.

The incessant waiting and wondering.
Guessing at what will happen next,
And having no way of preventing it.
Not knowing if it will end good,
Or horribly, horribly bad.

I hate emergencies.

And all that comes with them.
Rest in Peace, Gunther.