Sunday, March 31, 2013

Oh dear.

Sometimes, I do the stupidest things!

You know what I'm talking about. It's that thing that the moment you do it, you think "that was probably the dumbest thing I could have done in that situation."

Yeah. That just happened to me.

On the headboard of my bed, I had this beautiful candle holder sitting. It's, of course, made of glass and very pretty. First dumb thing, you've probably already spotted, was putting a breakable, glass thing on my headboard. Right, I know, stupid. But it gets worse.

That thing has been sitting there for, oh I don't know, months. Never had a problem with it. Until tonight. Tonight, I was writing a paper, laying on my bed with my feet near my headboard and, guess fell over.

You probably saw that coming.

But luckily, it had just sort of tilted over and landed on my journal, nice padding for candle holder to fall over on. So, now you're thinking, "Phew! Pick that thing up and put it somewhere that you won't knock it over, you clumsy oaf."

But no, that would be too easy.

So instead, guess what I do. Go on, guess. I dare you.

Nope. That's not it. I decide, with my genius absent-mindedness, to try and set the candle holder back up using my.... TOES!

Now you've probably slammed your head on to your computer keyboard, realizing that this story is just a retelling of the stupidest situation in the history of situations. However, we're on a roll so I'll continue.

Being very careful, I try to set the candle holder back up using my dainty, weak little toes. It slips once, landing back on the journal, and I think "Oh Andrea. You're going to drop this thing and break it. Just sit up and put that thing back in its place."

But no, that would be easy.

Instead, being the stubborn person that I am, I try again with my little toesies. A little wiggle here, and little wiggle there and--


You guessed that part though, didn't you?

Yes. It broke. Of course it broke. It broke when it slipped from my toes, fell from my headboard, and smashed against my nightstand. So now, lucky me, I have glass pieces in my bed and around my bed in the carpet. See, I knew this was stupid and yet I proceeded to act stupidly. The moment it broke I instantly regretted all of my previous actions. Why did I use my toes? Why didn't I just stand it up using my hands? Why was it on my headboard? Why did I have glass things anyways? WHY WHY WHY??

But, alas, it's broken. And now I will sleep with the horror of a glass bed, contemplating my stupidity in that moment when all could have been saved.

I hope, for the sake of my dignity, I'm not alone in this wild nonsense in those moments when my brain completely stops working.

Also, the picture has nothing to do with anything but it's pretty so there you go.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Many things are changing,
And some things never should,
But I am rearranging,
And sometimes, it's for good.

But as I stand and wait here,
Gathered around my friends,
I can't help but wonder,
Why this has to end.

I'll try not to feel sadness,
Since it's really not that bad,
But I kind of feel a madness,
And it's annoying.

The Rain

I washed myself in the rain. Though its cool tips tingled my bare skin, its pulse invigorated my heart. I wish to be one with the rain. I wish for its moisture to run in my veins. As I stand, arms open to embrace heaven's tears, I cannot help but feel enlightened. The sporadic patter of drops on my skin is like tiny shots of light, piercing the surface and reaching down to my core. I will stand in the rain a while more, though it may lead to my demise. I will embrace the cold rain with a warm heart, sacrificing myself as the host. It may grow in me. I will consume all of its power, every drop of crispness, until my warm, beating heart is lost in the ice.

Yes, I will be one with the rain, even if it kills me. Especially if it kills.

Sometimes, You Don't Need Words.