Sunday, September 23, 2012

Made of Awkward

It's been forever since I last blogged. I honestly don't know where to start. There's so much that I would like to say, yet as it all comes to mind one-by-one, they each seem so insignificant. Why bother? I seem to tell myself. And I am again.

Do you ever got lost in your own mind? It seems to happen to me more often than it should. Tonight, I was making a cup of tea while simultaneously filling a bottle of water. Unfortunately, I got so lost in thought while dipping my tea bag in and out of the warm water, that my water bottle overflowed and continued to overflow onto the kitchen counter. It was some moments before my mind returned to me and I got over to shut the water off. I then had quite the mess to clean up.

Things like this seem to happen to me quite often, which is quite unfortunate. Usually, these moments end in embarrassment on my behalf and some form of awkwardness.

Sometimes, I feel like the world moves much faster than me. I get left behind. Is it that I'm lazy? Is it that I'm not mentally up-to-speed? Could I say I'm a relaxed person? Or perhaps just unaware? Whatever the reason. I'm usually still sipping my coffee when the rest of the world has moved on to their evening cocktails. It's long after the rest of the world has shut their eyes, that I feel mine are finally starting to see clearly.

I suppose it doesn't really matter. Maybe I should just try harder to be on the rest of the world's timeline, rather than strolling by my own clock's time.

That being said, I will do the exact opposite. I'm going to snuggle down with a cup of warm tea and watch Sherlock.