Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hello London!

Oh my gosh. I went on a trip to London for a week and it was fantastic! I had so much fun! I met up with my friend, Beth, and we saw all the sights of London.

London is a magical place. It's so beautiful no matter where you look. I am a personal fan of cloudy weather with fog so London was perfect for me. The weather was great while we were there. It never even rained, which was amazing (though kind of sad, because I love rain). Some days, it was even completely sunny and clear skies! Very pleasant. I loved it. I was there for about a week and took about 1700 photos. ^_^ Plus, one of the highlights, was when I made one of the royal guards made me laugh.

What happened was he was looking at me, while I took pictures of him, and then he made his eyes go really wide. This made me laugh, which in turn, made him laugh. When I walked away, I waved at him and he smiled. It was definitely a priceless moment! There were a lot of fun moments throughout the week. Like the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace, walks in Kensington Gardens, and the long underground rides. Haha.

I will definitely go back to London. It stole a piece of my heart and now I have a desire to travel everywhere! What also makes it great is that the people there speak some extent. There was an obviously intoxicated man who launched into a conversation with Beth and I regarding being American and skiing in Montana vs Colorado. It was very hysterical.

What's even more entertaining about London is that there is a Starbucks about every 10 steps. We went at least once a day (sometimes twice) to use their internet and make sure we had enough energy to get through the day. Across from the Windsor Castle, there is a Starbucks, Pizza Hut, and McDonalds. I thought that was very special. So much for the English culture. ;)

I also have no shame in being the typical tourist. I took an excessive amount of touristy pictures, visited all the touristy spots, and was proud to sound American!

People in London are pretty nice. Save for the random jerks here and there, but that's to be expected everywhere. I love their accents! The first man who spoke to me in a heavy British accent made me want to package him up and bring him home. I must say, by the end of the week, that urge had not subsided at all. Haha. I was still trying to get one to come home with me even after we had landed back in the States.

And oh the traveling! On the way home, it took me 18 hours of flying, 25 hours of being awake, to get home. Beth and I got up at 4:15am, and I went to bed 25 hours later once I got home. All of my flights were delayed at some point or another. The one back from London was so delayed that we actually missed our connecting flight to Denver. That was an adventure.

The whole trip was amazing. It was perfect in its own imperfect way. Things didn't always go well, or as planned, but they always worked themselves out.

I can't wait to go back!