Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Life's Uncertainty

Sometimes, life pulls the rug out from under your feet, and no matter how prepared you were or thought you were, you still fall on your ass. I thought I had such a good thing, and it was; for a while. But then it became something unbearable. Then I reached the point where I had to make the decision of how much do I endure and when do I make for the hills? Cruelest of all of life’s torments is uncertainty. Uncertainty about the future, uncertainty about previous decisions, uncertain about actions, thoughts, words, beliefs. Questions regarding people, promises, plans. Did I do right? Of course, but what if…--Will it turn out fine? Absolutely, but what if…--There’s no plan, obviously. There’s no promises, of course. But how much light must we have gathered before we decide to plunge into the darkness, headfirst, heart scared? 
It’s not so bad being alone, save for those moments when you realize it. Stop and think, or don’t, but soon enough life will hit you with the truth and most of the time it’s ugly. Well, personally, I’ll be damned if I let life catch me like that again. And yet, there’s no avoiding it.

The worst part of life is its uncertainty…..and its desire to sneak up behind you and scare the shit out of you.